
Here you can find all reviews I have done for Laphroaig Whisky.
A distillery located on the Isle of Islay in Schottland.

Laphroaig 10-year-old Overall 72/100 points

Laphroaig 10-year-old Sherry Oak Finish Overall 87/100 points

Laphroaig 1997 SV Cask Strength Collection Cask# 3369 Overall 88/100 points

Laphroaig 1999 Wy Well Mannered Mint Overall 87/100 points

Laphroaig 2000 MoS Cask# MoS 18001 Overall 89/100 points

Laphroaig Cask Strength Batch #009 Overall 89/100 points

Laphroaig Cask Strength Batch #014 Overall 89/100 points

Laphroaig Quarter Cask Overall 86/100 points

Laphroaig Select Overall 81/100 points

Laphroaig Triple Wood Overall 88/100 points

Here are more Whisky from Laphroaig which I have tried.
I only rated those without writing a review:
Links open in a new tab and lead to the bottle page on Whiskybase.

Laphroaig 16-year-old rated 89/100 points

Laphroaig 1994 MoS Cask# MoS 14052 rated 90/100 points

Laphroaig 1996 DL Old Malt Cask – Cask# DL 5612 rated 86/100 points

Laphroaig 25-year-old Cask Strength Edition 2014 rated 91/100 points

Laphroaig 25-year-old Cask Strength Edition 2019 rated 91/100 points

Laphroaig 25-year-old The Bessie Williamson Story rated 89/100 points

Laphroaig 30-year-old The Ian Hunter Story – Book 2 rated 89/100 points

Laphroaig 34-year-old The Ian Hunter Story – Book 4 rated 91/100 points

Laphroaig Cairdeas Feis Ile 2021 rated 88/100 points

Laphroaig Cairdeas Feis Ile 2023 rated 87/100 points

Laphroaig Cask Strength Batch #012 rated 88/100 points

Laphroaig Cask Strength Batch #013 rated 88/100 points

Laphroaig Cask Strength Batch #016 rated 90/100 points

Laphroaig Lore rated 87/100 points

Laphroaig PX Cask rated 85/100 points

Laphroaig The 1815 Legacy Edition rated 86/100 points

Williamson 2014 BR Single Cask – Cask# 05093 rated 89/100 points

here to make it complete I will also input the reviews which are newer to have all under the right distillery and/or brand.

coming soon!