Here you can find all reviews I have done for Macduff Whisky.
A distillery located in the Scottish Highlands.
no old reviews!
Here are more Whisky from Macduff which I have tried.
I only rated those without writing a review:
Links open in a new tab and lead to the bottle page on Whiskybase.
Macduff 1990 DL XOP – Xtra Old Particular Cask# DL 13918 rated 90/100 points
Macduff 1991 IM Dun Bheagan Cask# 4584 rated 88/100 points
Macduff 2003 JW Old Train Line rated 89/100 points
Macduff 2006 BA Raw Cask Cask# 101741 rated 90/100 points
here to make it complete I will also input the reviews which are newer to have all under the right distillery and/or brand.
coming soon!