Home Forums Whiskytalks +++ READ THIS FIRST +++

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    • #6032
      Christian Busch

      This Forum is for Whisky related talks only.

      Please no politics, religion, adult content, verbal insults, trolling, links to commercial shops or to adult websites!
      If you post some of those mentioned you will be removed not only from the forum but also from this website and get banned for a new sign up.

      Everyone who has a user account can open topics and also can reply to other topics.
      Before you open a new topic, please make sure that it not already exists.

      I will check the content of the topics and if reserve the right to edit or delete the topic if the content is not suitable.

      Furthermore, I can’t be made legally responsible for posts users publish in this forum.
      But only for my personal posts.

      Please behave and let’s have nice discussions about our most favorite drink.
      And remember there is no right or wrong when it comes to taste!

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